Guitar Christian

RIP Sir Jimmy Savile

Obituary: Sir Jimmy Savile

In his distinctive Yorkshire tones, the words "Now then, now then" meant Sir Jimmy Savile was getting down to business.

For more than six decades, Sir Jimmy, who has died at the age of 84, was one of Britain's most established showbusiness figures and a leading charity worker.

The country's first pop disc jockey, Sir Jimmy was also a seasoned television presenter, marathon runner, Mensa member, wrestler and fundraiser.
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Guitar Christian

(no subject)

Well not to make anyone jealous about my great dreams, but I had another Buffy!Verse one last night. I was working with JM, and NB wasn't far away. So in the course of the conversation between the three of us, I mentioned that my favourite female actress on Buffy (and Angel), was CC. NB, who was in the middle of moving (we were over helping), decided to e-mail CC, and grabbed a tote bag with Kane on it, which I thought was awesome and keeped following him to tell him that.
Guitar Christian

(no subject)

I had two great dreams last night, and remembered them both. The first was Buffy!Verse, with Buffy and Xander againt a panel of fans answering questions on their own lives, and both panicing that the panel would get more correct answers than they did. I appeared to be Drusilla, and was playing 'Who is afraid of the big bad wolf', as only Drusilla would. After I woke up, feeling pretty good about that dream, I got up and had a drink. I went back to bed, and had my second, totally awesome dream. It was Supernatural, and I was married to Sam (said it was awesome), I had great safeopening skills, and we were helping a young woman who was being plagued by ghosts. I also got to be very sarky with Dean about his conquests as well. Only problem being Dean fell on top of me in a very compromising postition. It was fun!
Guitar Christian

(no subject)

Procedure went well, well as well as can be expected, and hopefully that is an end to it. No complications, and had a good nights sleep afterwards. Been a bit sleepy since, but ok. All really to report. Hope everyone else is keeping well.

Guitar Christian

(no subject)

Well, long time, no post. I have a reason, pretty tired with this. Got my procedure this Thursday, so, if I do get it, as I've had my period for two weeks now. I'm also tired of that, so hopefully they can do something about that.

Hurt my ankle as well, but seems just badly brused and swollen, heard nothing back from the hospital about the X-rays they did.

Well, all seems to be about my health, not much else to report really
Guitar Christian

I'm Back!

Hi, had a busy couple of days, but I'm back now. The hospital appointment went as well as can be expected. I've got a fybrod 5cm long, or about 2in. I have to go back on the 18th for more tests, but the problem has a name now, so something can be done about it.

What have I been doing? Well lots of little things, but nothing really interesting. Seeing RL friends, going out and about, watcting Season Four of Supernatural with Ronnie.
Not earth shattering. My hospital precedure will be on the 18th, so not long to wait.
Guitar Christian


I've been missing Michael today. Wish he was here, or I was with him. Stopped taking my iron tablets, as I was missing my porrage and French Toast too much. Do have a period, or whatever I have now, and made the arrangements to go see the Gyn on Thursday, so no big loss.

My internet connection went down today, but got it back now. Also did the Lotus position today, as well as some other streaching yoga positions. Thought I did ok for a 51 year old really. Been a bit windy and wet today as well, which was refreashing.

I guess I was just a bit up and down with my emotions today. Feel quite good just now though!
  • Current Music
    Warren Zevon Genius
Guitar Christian

(no subject)

Seems to be various things wrong with LJ. I'm here, but it is really slow for me. I've read why these things are happening, and will stick with LJ to show my support for the site. I also want to keep the friends I have here as well.

LJ forever!