Tags: stationery


.: Mushrooms and More Mushrooms :.

Rain rain go away! I want to take some pictures today! lol
It's still kinda cold here, my fingers are ice cold and hard as bricks.

I stayed up late again, this time organizing my font archives , I had lots of duplicates and those were giving me trouble, I haven't finished, I need to install some new ones and delete lots of useless zip files, a very tedious job, but hopefully I will be able to breathe under the sea of folders.


I am sleepy like this guy over here :), I finished the little guys I showed you in my last post , some here for the - Lucky Parcel Swap - and the others for the mini stationery sets I've made.


Here are the Lucky Parcels, It was a mushroom theme and I got really exited, I wish I had more time to decorate the bags, but I was behind with stuff, I wanted to print a mushroom pattern I made the other day, bu I had no time for that and I pasted some Q-lia Mushies , they turned out fine, but I still want to make the other ones :)


Here are the goodies contained in each little brown bag, mushie fabric,bias tape,buttons,rick rack,pipe cleaners,embroidery floss,ribbon,pins,thread among other goodies. I personally would love to receive one of these , imagine an anonymous parcel with all these goodies :), I'm dreaming now lol


I finally made my - Gingham Mushroom - Mini Stationery Set I had lots of fun putting these sets together, some were for the - 5 things Mushroom Swap- and the other ones to send to friends, I think I will have to make more to send as little Valentine Gifts, because they ended up looking cute.


Just look at these guys :), I made the envelopes myself form kraft paper, It took me some time, but they are the perfect size for the paper sheet :), Scarlett loved the stickers, She requested a full sheet, The mushroom illustration was inspired by the mushroom plushies I made a while ago with Scarlett, we are drawing more versions, can't wait to male those.


And finally, look at my sleepy - Spool Mushroom - I have a bunch of these waiting to be coated and finished :), I will post them later, this was just a prototype and I am making me an army ♥

I off to eat something and then back to work work work, exiting things are coming and I better be prepared :)

Have a nice day! ♥

- Sent and Received -

It's Monday

I need to make me a to-do list after all that procrastinating I did last week, I hope to get my but back to work :), Yesterday we went to see the HP movie ^_^ I ate some really nice caramel popcorn and it was really nice , can't wait for the next movie.

I also received a lot of snail mail from:
Kat Aja Sujon from Nerthelands
Shiyu ^_^ From Singapore
Stick a Thing form Germany
Erin's Fat Quarters
and a super cool order from reprodepot

So thanks Guys, I'm going to email you really soon :)

I also want to wish a Happy Birthday to Jen ^_^ aka eatstars_, sorry I'm late but I sent you a letter last Thursday , email you pretty soon.

And here are some of the goodies I sent the other day ---->


Sweet Dolly pins :) they will make you smile while you sew


package sent to mama-bear my partner for the July :: Fat Quarter Swap ::, It's my first time swapping in this group, can't wait to get my FQ's , If you're interested in swapping fabrics here is the link for the Fat quarter Group


I sent these to Brazil to Alice, the first parcels got lost in the mail :(, I hope this one arrives to her safely.


And this is a Pack for the Lovely Erandi, Kawaii Stationery, some Amy Butler - Charm - quilting squares and a FQ among other things - I hope it arrives safely also this one is going to Guadalajara Mexico.

And as always to see more pictures check My Flickr

Enjoy your day , I'm gonna take those pictures :)
Take Care ♥

* If you're expecting an email reply, please bare with me, I will get to it soon soon soon ;)

- Monday Cleaning -

What a crazy weekend it was :), but I still had fun after all, I went fabric shopping and received some really great canvas samples from my vendor, ohh I'm so crazy for fabric, I tend to have these fabric urges lol, looking and touching fabric is very inspiring.


I was so Inspired by the lovely colors of this fabric that I made a pin cushion and loved how it turned out, I made two , one for the bag of treats and one for me, ohh and I must tell you that I have a new obsession, I love these quilting pins with cute heads, too bad I can't find them here, I was lucky enough to find those heart shape ones at Joann's the other day and my friend Barbara send me a sampler of her collection in a swap we made.

I you have pins like these, please share them with me :), I could trade you for the ones I have or other things.


This is a peek of my end of the :: Bag of Treats Swap :: If you're curious and want to look more pics of all the goodies look at My Flickr

I finally used a piece of my wonderful Decole fabric , I didn't want to cut it , but I really like how the bag turned out. I want to make more bags and a pouch.


ohh and I got these cuties in the mail 2 weeks ago, these are my favorite kind of memos -Die Cut- big or small I love them!
They're from KAMIO Japan and from the :: Pop'n Friends Line:: I think they have some left here at Kawaii Corner they sell so fast.
I also got me a die cut panda memo pad but I'm going to post that later.

Well I thinks that's enough eye candy for today :), Have to clean my desk the craft table and the threads and scraps of fabric that are stuck in the carpet. X_X

Take Care and Have a Crafty Day ♥

I ♥ Q-lia

Monday already!

How was your weekend? I had a hectic week and I did relax a bit yesterday, I missed Paper Toy Friday X_X, sorry about that but I was really busy, I promise you that this Friday is going to Rock!! You will love the Paper Toy I've be posting lol

There's no Mr. Sun today and I wanted to take some pictures, I don't like to take them in this kind of weather.

oh and how I miss sewing!! I have lots of nice fabric but no the time :( I hope this week I manage to take some time off to sew something ^_^, because I'm expecting some nice fabrics from Superbuzzy , so I'm all giddy.

Last week I took some pictures of my Q-lia mini memo Collection!! I wanted to share these cuties with you :)


I don't have a favorite, I love them all, How I wish they make Plush toy out of these Characters, they drive me nuts lol


I was procrastinating at Flickr the other day when it occurred to me that there was no Q-lia Group there only various dedicated to Kawaii goodies and other one exclusively to Kamio, so since I'm crazy for this brand I decided to make the ::Q-lia:: Group , So if you have some nice pictures of Q-lia Characters, stationery and other goodies don't forget to post then at the group pool, I'll love to see everyones photos there!!


I made this buttons for swaps and I plan to do other stuff with them soon as soon as I get my craft supplies in the mail ^_^, I cut some memo sheets to make them, I didn't want to but I guess it was worth it ^_^


Love the Kamio and Q-lia mushies, Witch one is your favorite???

Well enough Eye-Candy for today ♥ Gotta get back to work
keep crafting and Take Care!

.: Mail Day :.

Yay! for mail day!!

I love it when I have lots of little packages to pick up, it gets me all giddy and exited, Here they are -->


I don't know what it is about snail mail that's awesome, the smell the brown envelopes the foreign postage stamps and custom forms that I enjoy every dingle package I receive, I've been collecting all the interesting foreign stamps I receive in my mail, when i have enough i will show them to you I have used stamps from, Israel,Singapore,Taiwan,Japan,Canada,Mexico,Portugal,Korea,Hong Kong,France,New Zealand,Australia,Netherlands,Switzerland and Germany .
There's a lot more countries out there and I want a used stamps of each including England, It's weird that I don't have any used stamps from there Yet.


Between all the goodies I've received I got a lovely Surprise from My Mexican Fried Rosy, she send my a this super cure Russian Doll Stationery Set and a little cat notebook along with some candy :) Thanks a Bunch!! ♥ It was a really nice surprise, I want to send her something too it would be the 3erd time X_X , I've send 2 packages to her and he haven't received any of them :( I hope to have better luck this time.


My favorite Kawaii Brand are Kamio and Q-Lia.
Their characters make me crazy as well as their Die Cut Memos and Letter Sets.


I got these all the way from Honk Kong, that Mail man letter set is awesome! one of my favorites, I also love the colors on that Zakka Cotton House letter set from Mindwave, If you want to see More detailed pics of the Stationery I uploaded some to
My Flickr Page

Well I hope that's enough eye candy for today Take Care ♥ and
Have a Crafty Day!